Following in their footsteps 

Following in their footsteps 

The other day, while riding down an especially busy stretch of Missouri state highway (with no rideable shoulder, to boot), we asked ourselves whether more people think us brave or foolish for riding our bikes across the country. We didn’t know. Needless to say, we sometimes think of ourselves as both brave and foolish, often … Continue reading

Tales from the Hi-line

Tales from the Hi-line

Earlier this year, the Montana State Senate made national news when legislators proposed creating a $25 “touring cyclist tax,” which would require visiting cyclists to buy a permit in order to ride on 2-lane roads state-wide. Senate President Scott Sales was the most outspoken about the proposal, saying that cyclists were self centered and rude … Continue reading

Each day, an Invitation

Each day, an Invitation

“Breathe on the world. Hold out your hands to it. When mornings and evenings roll along, watch how they open and close, how they invite you to the long party that your life is.” -William Stafford: “A Valley Like This”- We’re still getting into a routine: arise from tent at 7am, deflate and pack our … Continue reading

Two-Wheeled Evangelism

Two-Wheeled Evangelism

I sit at my kitchen table on this overcast Sunday morning, warmed by tea and sheepskin slippers and classical music. My body feels strong and efficient and accomplished. Part of this grounded peaceful feeling has to do with eating healthy and maintaining an active body and mind. But mostly, it’s because I’m a two-wheeled evangelist. … Continue reading