Escape from Portlandia

Escape from Portlandia

Why do people live where they live? What draws them to come together, converging? And what causes them to leave? These are mysteries of humanity that may be contextual, or maybe just a result of our animal selves. We are driven by magnetism and hormones and fear and desire…to live by ample water and food … Continue reading

And Yet, Not Enough

And Yet, Not Enough

“It was about an hour after sunset. The Catlin Gabel campus was completely still all around. But yet, nothing was still at all. Not even the tiny bright green fern sprouting from rich soil. The wind went crazy and there were way too many bird calls around to keep track of, and yet not enough. … Continue reading

On the verge

On the verge

The winter skies are blank- empty like a still pool of water, reflecting. They wait, as we do, for the world to erupt in color and bright song. We need this empty time, these white skies, to recalibrate. We need to take stock of ourselves as we stand, alone. Alone, away from the brightness of … Continue reading

Two-Wheeled Evangelism

Two-Wheeled Evangelism

I sit at my kitchen table on this overcast Sunday morning, warmed by tea and sheepskin slippers and classical music. My body feels strong and efficient and accomplished. Part of this grounded peaceful feeling has to do with eating healthy and maintaining an active body and mind. But mostly, it’s because I’m a two-wheeled evangelist. … Continue reading

behind the lens

behind the lens

My friend Tom recently lent me his DSLR camera. Turns out, having another nice tool for a detail-oriented writer like me has been kind of nice. I haven’t had much time to do much polished writing lately (in the midst of my community college class, grad school applications, and what else? oh yeah, work) but … Continue reading