Line 75 to the Forest

Line 75 to the Forest

As I braced myself for the 45 minute bus ride from SE Portland to St. John’s, I couldn’t help but think about my time in San Francisco only one year ago, a city that is characterized by  hills and electric buses which sometimes appear to be climbing those hills at impossible angles. A couple weeks … Continue reading

infinite cities

infinite cities

Returning to a city you used to inhabit after a few months away is akin to focusing a manual camera- a twisting of the lens that causes the world around you to expand and contract, blur and sharpen, until the truth of the scene is finally revealed. This striving to adjust to rhythms that were … Continue reading

All the lives we could live

All the lives we could live

We’re all in transit, constantly moving- feet, bicycle, car, train, streetcar, bus, airplane, boat, freighter, wagon, stroller, piggyback, rickshaw, motorcycle, moped, scooter, horse- mostly with wheels. This is how we get around, find ourselves  transported from place to place. And even when we are sitting in our chairs or laying down in our beds sleeping, we … Continue reading

the 24

the 24

I have been riding the bus a lot lately, experiencing the epitome of strangers merging and inhabiting the same place short of a rock concert. But the only catch is that there is not a famous performer sanding on stage up front- and you still have to pay (for me, I pay by far the … Continue reading

the trail

the trail

Here is the trail- laid out before us- Both on a map in our hands and running out from the souls of our shoes How do we choose to go? Skip, jump, saunter, frolic, run, stroll, hike? It was laid out by humans but built in the middle of someone else’s home How do we … Continue reading